Bushy Park TT

Entrants (3)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Gobi Cruised it as hip flexor is slightly niggly. Picked up MB in the last K or so and paced him in so a good day. Very happy to run so easily for the time I got.
Cannock & Stafford AC
16:16 17:41 17:44:00 18:52 69.21
MB99 First time at Bushy and first race of the year. Started well, but I think I went to sleep in the second mile. Was awoken from my slumber by Gobi who was having an easy run but decided to deal out the kick up the @rse I needed and paced me over the last section.
Pleased with time and know there is plenty more to come.

Well organised event as well.
17:22 18:52 18:52 68.18
Puffing Bertie Hrumph, hard work today!. 

And i was the only Fetch shirt there today (I think!) :-(
24:38 25:37 28:04 54.24

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