Bushy Park Time Trial

Listed by Athlete In Progress
Entrants (4)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
21:46 22:52 24:36 59.86
Athlete In Progress Was hoping for a PB, but legs tired from Thursday Session.
25:09 25:51 27:59 28:39 44.90
ChrisW Freezing Morning. Left leg causing problem. Unable to run with wieght during warm up. Took 10mins before could run on it. Took the run steady. approx 7mm throughout.
Ranelagh Harriers
20:56 21:19 22:12 58.25
StorksRock oh dear, slowest ever time.  Felt terrible on 1st km.  Will pretend that I was slow because I was running with Mike who was just back from injury, but as I left him at 3K, this doesn't entirely stack up :-)  It all helps with the mileage target though.  I did
BeaRCats running club
25:26 26:14 29:27 52.03

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