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Beveridge Park 5km

Fri August 17 2007
Listed by Tasis Lass
Entrants (6)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
cake muncher Placed 5th / 2nd vet. Happy enough with this time after a hard race at Balmullo the previous night.
Falkland Trail Runners
15:31 17:03 17:18 79.36
Baza Decent weeks training so hopefully a good time is in hand.*Update* - Started too fast and paid for it at the start of the 2nd full lap. Still 4 seconds quicker than the last race of this series I ran though and legs feel fine too.
Carnegie Harriers
17:07 19:00 18:30 19:00 67.54
gtwhitton Having been able to do some decent running lately for the first time in 2 years I am sure I can beat last months time, and am looking to go under 21mins.  PB for course is 20m11s in 2005.  Won't get close to that, but should hit targe this time round.  Update - felt really good and kept form well.  Couldn't believe when I came through in around 20m20s when my pb was off 30-40 miles weeks, and I have hardly done anything this year.  Technique training is obviously helping
Fife AC
19:11 20:24 20:59 20:24 62.90
Dave_K Ran 5km race last night at Broadwood so not sure how tonight will go. Would like to be around 24 mins. See how the legs feel. UPDATE - Legs felt ok. nice run, but the hill was tough, TWICE !!
21:51 22:34 24:00 23:32 57.91
pink princess first 5k run in a while! going up that hill was a killer! but what goes up must come down! :D
24:23 24:23 25:30 25:00 55.86
Supervixen Not expecting to PB here, after racing last night.  Update, ran okay, disappointed wth the time, could have PB here.  Try again on Sunday.
24:34 24:34 25:40 25:26 57.12

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