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Asics Gold Coast Half Marathon

Sun July 2 2006
Listed by Agent Orange
Entrants (2)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Bew V ill the week before.  Diarrohea and Sickness even the night before.  Took lots of Imodium.  Decided to take time and help Maryke under 2 hours.  All fine until 15K - 16K then just went - no energy, legs in pain and bad cramps - the illness had kicked in.  Last 5 k took 40 mins - it was embarrassing.  very frustrated as was overtaken by all manner of people.  Got to do another now!!!
2:10:00 2:10:00 1:48:00 2:10:00 44.53
Agent Orange Oh yes, what a race!  Gathered in the pre-dawn darkness along with 4000 others just north of Surfers Paradise.  The race started at 6.30am with the sun rising over the water.  A slow first kilometre till the race sorted itself out, then hit a steady pace between 4.50 and 4.58 per km (km markers rather than mile markers seemed a help).  Despite hardly having run for the last couple of weeks I felt good, but didn't want to push.  However, I found I was banging in one sub-5 km after another.  18 in all to get me to the 19km mark.  It was a struggle towards the end but by then people were lining the roads, and high fives from the crowd plus Aussie shouts of
1:38:42 1:43:59 1:50:00 1:43:59 57.35

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