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Air Products Sunderland 5K

Entrants (9)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
batmouse Not doen this one before.  Gulp heard its fast and furious.
23:14 26:38 30:00 26:38 54.55
Ha! Ha! yessss.way off my pb,but pleased to finish bcoz shins killin me..hoping i can run thro the injury crisis..great fast course this one..MAD!! start..strong elbows required!!
North East Veterans AC
20:03 22:46 25:00 24:24 55.44
Lisrun Wow ! Wasn't expecting to get anywhere close to a pb, but got one. Very fast course, I will do this one again !
100 Marathon Club, North East Marathon Club
22:28 22:28 24:00 22:34 68.55
makem 1 new one for me ,  heard its fast and furious ,  eeeeeeeeek!  *update *    talk about fast and furious,   there was just no let up on this one,  ran this with a bit of a virus,  all bunged up.  and aching from head to toe,  and at one stage had the over whelming desire to pull up,  but that passed and then began to enjoy it half way round the second lap,  but a pb for me today any way,
sunderland harriers
18:19 19:53 21:00 19:53 67.04
makizmo 82 OMG!! Blink and you'll miss it. Was a stupidly fast course and managed to hang in there despite sunday's efforts in trail race over in Kielder. Will be putting the commemorative shot glass to good use some time soon no doubt.
Heaton Harriers & AC
16:57 16:57 16:57 75.61
Elvet Striders
17:40 22:50 23:50 58.56
nochickenstrip I really enjoyed this one, thought it was going to be torture, 5K's are tough and after Coastal & Hard Track session legs were REALLY tired. Took 1st mile easy and still ran 5:11, what a mad start. Position 37th.
Crook & District AC, Durham Triathlon Club
16:43 17:16 17:16 76.64
Alnwick Harriers
18:39 19:11 19:11 73.78
Skylonsthelimit My first real 5K
18:43 18:43 19:30 18:43 70.70

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