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Slow and Proud (SAP) Club

77 watchers
Dec 2015
4:22pm, 13 Dec 2015
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shows you've got a good pelvoc floor Lem - daring to cough and run at the same time!
Dec 2015
4:56pm, 13 Dec 2015
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Lol mulbs! It didn't do any good though, I couldn't get rid of the fly! I wondered for the next half mile how many flies the average runners eats in a year.

Had a headache all afternoon but it's slowly going I think. Mr Lemon's mate D is visiting. They went to school together, and I can just imagine them mucking about in the back of the class. We've started on the food I have bought in for Christmas, tesco cheese straws, nom nom.

Alpen I hope you are on the mend. I am now looking at whether I can feasibly get to 600 miles before the end of the year. A target like that might get me off my butt and out of the door, so I will give it a go.
Dec 2015
4:57pm, 13 Dec 2015
11,537 posts
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what you need now Lem is a spider, then a bird, then a cat . . . you know the song, right?
Dec 2015
5:32pm, 13 Dec 2015
1,776 posts
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I did think that mulbs!

I have created a SAP virtual 5 mile series for next year, hopefully this link will take you to January's event
If not its on my race portfolio if you can see that, it's called SAP thread virtual 5 mile series. One a month for next year and I randomly picked the penultimate weekend of each month. I think some folks also wanted the 10 mile series to continue so I will add that in at some stage. We also need the SAP mile back, maybe our Womble will pop in for that one. I fancied getting a race in my portfolio for next month so got the 5 mile series booked in. :-)
Dec 2015
5:38pm, 13 Dec 2015
14,188 posts
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I'm in but I'll be late to the party in January. :)

Not sure how long this lurgy's going to take to filter through. :-P
Dec 2015
8:10pm, 13 Dec 2015
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Mick n Phil ( OBE )
2015 has seen us do many more events, the most in the last 3 years - - but no where nr the old 55 events in a year that did

but they are now slow - but taking part, feeling good and yes proud

I would recommend it to anyone to keep fit in their own way, without having to push any pace - and not be worrying about world records or any damned thing
Dec 2015
9:23pm, 13 Dec 2015
1,137 posts
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Nutso Lazytoad!
Hi all, hope your all well other than the fly eating, hangovers and pesky colds.

Today saw me do my last event of 2015, pieathlon a 6km trail race!! My hubby and my friend wrapped me Christmas paper for my outfit accompanied by a Christmas pudding and buddy the elf! It was frosty, really muddy and very hilly! Not terrain made for me, I found it really tough but it's done. My breathing is awful at the minute :( I had a cold about 6 weeks ago and I'm still really wheezy from it :( it made running in the cold incredibly difficult. I have mad a docs appointment but don't know if they will do anything..... Can't get in until the 21st unless I can go at dome silly time gggrrrr 😡😡😳😫
Dec 2015
11:14am, 16 Dec 2015
501 posts
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Unity at Christmas
Hi everyone. My running has been better of late. I've lowered the distance and the speed has picked up. This has also led to a return of my mojo. Hopefully I shall be able to lengthen a few runs in the New Year.

Thanks for setting up the SAP 5 miles, L10
Dec 2015
11:30am, 16 Dec 2015
14,268 posts
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Nut, well done for getting round that. I hope your cold/lurgy trots off soon, shame you can't get in the doc's sooner. Get well soon. :(

Uni, nice to see you. :) I guess it's the time of year if you mojo has been a bit awol lately.

At least at this time of year, we can get out and run. I hate the 2 week period over the holidays when the country grinds to a halt and the classes are seriously curtailed at the gym.
My lurgy is subsiding now and I hope to get out tomorrow morning for my first run for a week. It'll be my 500 one so I might go down the seafront so I can take a nice photo to mark the occassion.
Dec 2015
7:38pm, 16 Dec 2015
1,786 posts
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Get well soon Nutso and well done on the pieathon! Well done unity on some speedy running, I have lost my mojo a bit but I am sure it will be back soon. Alpen glad to hear you are on the mend too. Enjoy the 500th mile!

About This Thread

Maintained by
star star we are the Slow and Proud Club (formed on 04/02/12) This thread was formerly an offshoot of the Absolute Beginners thread star star

Come and join us - we do not judge people on their pace and you will receive lots of encouragement.

We are proud that we are getting off our couches and getting out there, no matter how slow!


*** target events for 2020
*** target distances for 2020
*** target annual mileage for 2020
*** other SAP goals for 2020
[revised 05/10/20]

medal Nutso - half marathon medal

XXX GimmeMedals - Run Your Heart Out 10k (cancelled due to weather)

XXX Lip Gloss - Smokies 10m (DNS due to other events)

XXX Lip Gloss - Declaration of Arbroath 700th Anniversary Half Marathon (11th) POSTPONED
XXX Wazelle - Brighton Marathon (19th) POSTPONED
XXX Alpenrose - M12K 2020 Marnhull (19th) CANCELLED
XXX Mulbs - London Marathon (26th) POSTPONED

XXX Lip Gloss - Chariots of Fire 5k CANCELLED
XXX Womble - Cranleigh Trail Half walk (10th) CANCELLED
XXX Lemon10 - Windermere Marathon (17th) POSTPONED



XXX Lip Gloss - Hatton 10k CANCELLED
XXX Womble - South Coast Challenge [walk first quarter c15 miles] (29th) POSTPONED UNTIL 2021 (NOW SIGNED UP FOR 50KM)

* Wazelle - Brighton Marathon (rescheduled date) VIRTUAL EVENT

XXX GimmeMedals - Great South Run (18th) CANCELLED
XXX Womble - Beachy Head Marathon (DEFERRED TO 2021)
XXX Mulbs - London Marathon (rescheduled date) CANCELLED

XXX Lemon10 - Windermere Marathon (1st - rescheduled date) CANCELLED


Womble's Goals
1) Keep doing my leg exercises and add ankles to the plan
2) Cto5k/10k my way
3) Concentrate on 5k then 10k times
4) Try to get to +300 miles in a year (plus 1000 walking miles)
5) Arrive at the BH marathon start line fit and healthy, and have fun whilst covering the challenge


Mulb's Goals
1) to start building some strength and flexibility work into my week
2) to get back in to walking every day for at least 30 mins
3) to shift some of the extra heft I've gained this year

To be archived: docs.google.com

[edited Dec 2019]
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