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What's a good taper for various distances

2 watchers
May 2018
3:53pm, 17 May 2018
1,528 posts
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Self explanatory really. I'm only targeting my 5k PB currently but later this year planning to have a go at new PBs for 5 miles, 10k, then next year will be the year of attacking 10 miles and half marathon (and maybe marathon if I am stupid enough to enter another).

What does a good taper look like for shorter distances? And how often can you run all out without it starting to affect your next effort?

Currently quite low mpw but a lot of (short) quality sessions plus weight training three to four times a week. By the end of the week I often feel like I've been hit by a bus which isn't really conducive to smashing my 5k PB at parkrun :)

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Tapering 101
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