May 2015
8:33pm, 21 May 2015
First-time poster!!
Hi all I started running on 1st march. I did the birmingham 10 k 3 weeks ago in just under one hour. I am running the great midlands fun run a week on Sunday. This run is 8.5miles. I have built up to run 8 miles last Monday, and ran 4 miles last night. It took me about 1 hour 15 to run the 8 miles. I run every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Between now and a week on Sunday, what should I run I'm prep for the race??
May 2015
8:37pm, 21 May 2015
71,742 posts
Just do whatever tapering you did for 10k, you'll be just fine
May 2015
8:37pm, 21 May 2015
71,743 posts
Ps, welcome to fetch!
May 2015
8:42pm, 21 May 2015
2 posts
Thank you. I didn't really taper for the 10k. When I ran the eight miles on Monday, I had really sore knees the day after, but they are slightly better now. Perhaps on Monday run maybe 4 miles and another 4 miles on Wednesday, then no more until race day. Or should I be doing a 6 or 7 miles run??
May 2015
8:49pm, 21 May 2015
71,744 posts
No, you've done your 8 miles, if you're going to do longer do that as your next run then short ones closer to race
May 2015
10:16pm, 21 May 2015
13,887 posts
And Satanbaby dispenses wisdom, it has been said.
Welcome to Fetch Ewilson.
May 2015
10:16pm, 21 May 2015
10,196 posts
Welcome to Fetch, ewilson. I'm not really one for tapering, the most I try to do is not tire myself out in the two or three days before a race. However, I've done a bit more running than you, even if not very fast. So for you I would suggest just not much in the week before. If your knees are fine tomorrow I'd say 7 is a good idea; if they are not do less. More important to get to the start line without any niggles than run a few extra miles. Couple of four milers next week sounds OK or maybe three miles with a faster mile in each.
May 2015
10:20pm, 21 May 2015
10,197 posts
Though I'd say also that if you can change your run days at all going on Saturday or Sunday would probably be better than tomorrow. And if you do 6 or 7, do them slower than on Monday.
May 2015
11:40pm, 21 May 2015
3 posts
Thank you for all of your responses. Yes, I think I will try a 6 or 7 mile on Saturday morning, then a 3 mile next Monday and Wednesday, then rest for three days.