Virgin Money London Marathon Ballot Watch! Do You Have Virgin Money London Marathon Ballot Where You Are?

10 watchers
Apr 2014
11:07am, 22 Apr 2014
17,075 posts
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Same here I bypassed all the charities they just bombarded you with emails and phone calls if I do get in i'll do so But yes the fundraising more stressful than the training
Apr 2014
11:08am, 22 Apr 2014
391 posts
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Managed to get entered at 00:44. Surely this is the year??????????????
Apr 2014
11:35am, 22 Apr 2014
356 posts
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Tis tricky isn't it. I've been running about 2 years (this incarnation), and each longer race is a massive challenge. I can plod around a half in about 2:30 hrs so I'll be hoping to bring that down, and do a Sub-Monday at a marathon. I have a charity close to my heart (Stroke Association) so if I can combine a great new challenge with raising some money for them, then great!
Apr 2014
11:40am, 22 Apr 2014
72 posts
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pink fairy
I think it's a really personal thing. I don't particularly have a charity I support- there's several I support but not one that stands out as my family have been pretty lucky health-wise. So for me picking a charity would just be a way to get a VMLM place, and my friends/ family would know that.
Apr 2014
3:59pm, 22 Apr 2014
14,599 posts
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For me running on a charity place isn't a problem - but then I don't run for a large relatively faceless (but well know) charity. I run for the place I work at. It's small, only has a very few places but I see daily just how desperately needed the money, where it is spent (I'm their accountant!) and just how it affects the children we care for.
Apr 2014
4:13pm, 22 Apr 2014
2,912 posts
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I probably wouldn't have considered running for a charity before (I didn't this year and never have) but a friend whom I care about and deeply respect and admire has just been diagnosed with MS. If I get a place I would like to ask him if any of the MS charity organisations have been helpful, or he supports, would like me to raise some money.
Apr 2014
4:24pm, 22 Apr 2014
15,741 posts
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I'm considering a charity place for next year. I've always passed money I get given for my efforts to charity.

However, I'm also conscious that in a couple of years' time I might want to do a particularly exciting event and will need to have a ready supply of willing donors, so I don't want to dilute the income stream, as it were.

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