Ths Stick

3 watchers
May 2012
4:29pm, 22 May 2012
3,346 posts
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IMS the instructions say you should not use a Stick where there's only a thin layer of muscle over bone, so JohnnyO is absolutely right.

Elsewhere, though, it is excellent. I had a knot in my right hamstring which kept recurring for about a year. Couple of sessions with the stick got rid of it completely, in a "wait a minute - didn't I have a pain in my hamstring yesterday? where has that gone? oh yeah - must be the stick" kind of way. I tend to give myself a prophylactic sticking every week or so on calves, hamstrings and quads.
I bought a Marathon Stick from runners need
May 2012
4:40pm, 22 May 2012
2,909 posts
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Wine Legs
We have a red one (short) and a blue one (longer). Both awesome. The red one goes travelling with us frequently.

Also, Runners Need are having 30% off tomorrow...
May 2012
4:53pm, 22 May 2012
444 posts
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" I tend to give myself a prophylactic sticking every week or so..."

That, sir, is a bloody marvellous turn of phrase!
May 2012
7:58pm, 22 May 2012
1,863 posts
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Anna Bomb
Off to runners need tomorrow for one, just need to decide which
May 2012
2:15pm, 23 May 2012
1,864 posts
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Anna Bomb
Proud owner of the sprinters stick, now hoping it may perform some miracles on my legs and get me back running again

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Maintained by PaulyR
Hi just a quicky, does anyone own or use the massage tool called the stick . Ive re...

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