May 2020
10:13pm, 27 May 2020
17,722 posts
now the dandelions and primroses have stopped flowering, the daisies and buttercups are still going strong, but we have newcomers to our lawn
Birds foot trefoil or eggs and bacon
Lesser Trefoil i think,
Ribwort Plantain, although it has been here for a few weeks.
Finally this one, presumably an escapee from a garden, the stem is about 12" with only leaves at the base. I don't know its name.
May 2020
12:14pm, 28 May 2020
3,059 posts
Fox and cubs? Pilosella aurantiaca, not a native, but long established in the wild.
May 2020
11:24pm, 28 May 2020
17,729 posts
Thanks Jackdaw, not a name i'm familiar with.
May 2020
10:33am, 29 May 2020
3,062 posts
It has dozens of other names, including hawkweed.
I can think of a few places in the Lake District where it is really common. The graveyard in Hawkshead being one.
May 2020
9:35pm, 29 May 2020
17,735 posts
My lawn is another.
May 2020
1:25pm, 30 May 2020
6,073 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
I came across a ‘wild’ area between orchards today which included a couple of species I didn’t recognise. Apparently one of the uses of both these plants is to attract pollinating insects, and the first one isn’t even a native species in Europe, so not so wild after all.
Lacey phacelia
Yellow sweet clover
Jun 2020
12:51pm, 1 Jun 2020
3,071 posts
Yellow rattle. I seededbthis in my lawn deliberately to weaken the grass, 3 years ago. Seed collected from a local verge.
Jun 2020
1:21pm, 1 Jun 2020
17,751 posts
Lovely flower jacdaw
Jun 2020
1:53pm, 1 Jun 2020
5,606 posts
I saw some beautiful Red Campion at the weekend but not sure what the blue flower is in the second picture, if anyone can enlighten me.
Jun 2020
2:01pm, 1 Jun 2020
3,072 posts
Maybe green alkanet?