Sep 2020
1:08pm, 2 Sep 2020
6,781 posts
Northern Exile
Excellent work RH, I'm glad you tackled it
Back home now after a few days in the Lakes and looking at a lot of correspondence. Simon F was kind enough to send me a high res copy of a picture he took on Bobs' JNLC, this is us going into Red Gully on Kirk Fell. FF and myself along with "Little Dave" bringing up the rear for those of you that know him. Thought you might like to see it
Sep 2020
1:38pm, 2 Sep 2020
160 posts
What a great week, despite the weather NE. That photo doesn't tell the full story of Bob's leg 4 though, does it?
Sep 2020
2:52pm, 2 Sep 2020
2,221 posts
I think that photo was taken in a parallel universe! It doesn't look anything like the inside of the washing machine I spent several hours in. I have no recollection of ever being able to see that far at any point during the day 😯😂
Sep 2020
3:59pm, 2 Sep 2020
6,782 posts
Northern Exile
I'm afraid you're right, it doesn't tell anything like the story. Properly wet wasn't it? Mad to be out in conditions like that.
Sep 2020
4:10pm, 2 Sep 2020
2,222 posts
The end result made it all more than worthwhile 😀
Sep 2020
4:16pm, 2 Sep 2020
45,884 posts
Derby Tup
There are people who rock up on a perfect day and have a relatively easy BG or whatever who probably don’t have an idea how hard it is when the clag’s down to the pub roof, the ground is sodden and the rocks are really slippery
Sep 2020
4:30pm, 2 Sep 2020
13,864 posts
How often is the weather ever ideal/perfect? From what I've heard it really is Russian roulette.
Sep 2020
4:39pm, 2 Sep 2020
45,887 posts
Derby Tup
Modern weather forecasts aren’t generally too bad. Really bad conditions can make completing a BG more or less impossible for all but the very strongest. There are probably more decent days than people might think although it always rains over Helvellyn on a Friday night, especially if there’s a full moon around the longest day of the year
Sep 2020
5:59pm, 2 Sep 2020
13,867 posts
Interesting. When we were in the Lakes (wandered around Keswick) in May last year, my colleague said it usually rained when we had a beautiful sunny day, we were apparently very lucky! It did rain the day after our walk, so she might have been right!
Sep 2020
6:35pm, 2 Sep 2020
6,783 posts
Northern Exile
It's been lovely up there these past few days. We went up on the fells above Ambleside yesterday afternoon and it was truly gorgeous, the fells were looking at their absolute best, the air had that crystalline quality that made it possible to see for miles. It doesn't always rain.
I think that when the Lake District is good, it's hard to beat. I woke up yesterday morning with the warmth of the morning sun against the side of my sleeping back, I opened the vent next to my head and could see the summit of Robinson and the descent down to High Snab, the cool air drifted gently in. You couldn't buy it.