May 2017
4:05pm, 17 May 2017
3,137 posts
Thank you for participating in today’s ‘in-evacuation’ test. From our observation all participants followed the announcements and remained within the shelter areas (BSA) for the duration of the test.
The test was successful and completed within 8 mins which is an exceptional time.
Please share any feedback you have so we can pass this onto the building to improve the process. The workplace team will be conducting a debrief meeting with the building management team on Friday to discuss relevant observations.
We would like to thank you for your assistance and cooperation.
Kind regards
May 2017
4:11pm, 17 May 2017
26,685 posts
['m sure "the building" will be delighted to hear that its occupants evacuated it so flawlessly.]
May 2017
8:55am, 18 May 2017
92,847 posts
Sorry to gatecrash the thread, but I wasn't sure whether to go here, the Excel wire or the bang-your-head one.
I *hate* the term 'pracademic'. #justsaying.
May 2017
9:04am, 18 May 2017
3,154 posts
Sorry but we didn’t hear any instructions on the 7th floor, I was expecting there to be a drill or messages over speakers / tannoys… people just said “we have to go to the stairwell” and I followed them.
When I checked with my colleagues on the 3rd floor, they said the same.
Best regards,
[reply allmageddon has started]
May 2017
10:54am, 18 May 2017
17,006 posts
WTF is pracademic? Other than a heinous abuse of the English language.
May 2017
12:19pm, 18 May 2017
1,804 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
[I love a good 'reply to all' fiasco 😄]
May 2017
1:56pm, 18 May 2017
19,430 posts
May 2017
2:08pm, 18 May 2017
23,178 posts
[Is that an etching in wax?]
May 2017
3:37pm, 18 May 2017
4,927 posts
Looks like the Turin shroud. I doubt the owner is in a position to go to reception.
But that reminds me, I've been summoned to reception
May 2017
10:06pm, 19 May 2017
1,813 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
Husband found me another flip chart on twitter