The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Feb 2020 Book Group discussion thread

1 lurker | 12 watchers
Jan 2020
6:25pm, 24 Jan 2020
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'What's that, old man?' I asked of my esteemed friend, the amateur detective, Mr Sherlock Holmes.
'That, my dear friend, is a large leather valise belonging to our new client, Mr Arthur Carse.'
'A new case, eh? Capital!'
Raising a humourless eyebrow against my pun, Holmes continued, 'However, Mr Carse believes that his case bears a curse.'
'A curse?' I queried.
'A curse,' Holmes affirmed.
'Of course.'
So began what I have dubbed, The Case of the Curse of the Case of Carse.

Now read on....
Jan 2020
6:48pm, 24 Jan 2020
1,684 posts
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Brilliant ,McGoohan . More Holmesian frivolity, please
Jan 2020
6:54pm, 24 Jan 2020
44,523 posts
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Who wants to do the lemon entry joke? I can’t quite remember it.
Jan 2020
8:13pm, 24 Jan 2020
43,049 posts
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"No, Watson, the correct deduction is that someone has stolen our tent."
Jan 2020
6:45am, 27 Jan 2020
44,553 posts
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I’ve finished the first adventure. All I’ll say for now is that I was quite astounded.
Jan 2020
6:46am, 27 Jan 2020
44,554 posts
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(Not having read any Sherlock Holmes stories before)
Jan 2020
6:56am, 27 Jan 2020
43,065 posts
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“Kiss me Watson!”
“Kiss your what Holmes?”
Jan 2020
8:03am, 27 Jan 2020
35,695 posts
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Hiya Dio. Hello all.

Firstly my dad was a big Sherlock Holmes fan. For a long time he was "headmaster" of The Priory Scholars, a local group who read the stories, wrote about and studied them and their period and historical setting, and organised trips to sights mentioned or visited in the stories (sometimes in period costume. I therefore grew up with Holmes and Watson a constant presence in the house. Hearing that someone has never read any of the stories, for me, is a bit of a "never seen Star Wars" thing. I mean, how? How have you avoided them? (I know my experience is not typical).

Also I've not read any of the books in about 15 years but this thread is getting me started again.

Secondly, Dio, Astounding how? What were you expecting compared to what you got?
Jan 2020
8:11am, 27 Jan 2020
35,696 posts
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(Can I also add that I'm not claiming any expertise here. My dad was the expert. It's just that there were copies of the books all over the house in various versions, along with a load of books on period history and books about the books. I read them all several times but it was a long time ago and I've just read through the chapter titles and I don't even remember all the titles, let alone the stories that they refer to.)
Jan 2020
8:14am, 27 Jan 2020
35,697 posts
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Sorry, I'm on a roll now. That link (if it works) should take you to a free feed of a podcast who have done audio reads of the 12 "Adventures" for anyone wanting to take Holmes and Watson with them on a run. I've no real idea of the quality but I do know that they're free so good value for money.;-)

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Maintained by McGoohan
'What's that, old man?' I asked of my esteemed friend, the amateur detective, Mr Sher...

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