Nov 2015
11:13am, 25 Nov 2015
78,321 posts
For continuity, we *could* include the top four from the 12/13 SuperDeath?
Nov 2015
11:24am, 25 Nov 2015
36,187 posts
Unjustified piscine discrimination places me side by side with the Tup of Derby.
Nov 2015
11:25am, 25 Nov 2015
78,324 posts
~gives Switters secret handshake~
Nov 2015
11:27am, 25 Nov 2015
11,495 posts
whit? update me please as to the current state of shennanigans
Nov 2015
11:32am, 25 Nov 2015
78,326 posts
It's the 14/15 SuperDeath.
The Christmas Foodstuffs deathmatch from the very end of 2013 is included as it was too late for the 12/13 SuperDeath.
The remaining question is whether to include the top 4 from the previous SuperDeath into this one.
For the record they are:
* bacon sandwich * red squirrel (sciurus vulgaris) * western european hedgehog (erinaceus europaeus) * heart
Nov 2015
11:33am, 25 Nov 2015
78,327 posts
Heart amused me. I'd forgotten about the internal organs deathmatch. That was a good one.
Nov 2015
11:38am, 25 Nov 2015
11,803 posts
TRO Saracen
I'm trying to recall the end of the Long Haired Weirdos. Was it the Gandalf/Dumbledore showdown once pesky little runts like Wood and Argie had been rightly culled?
Nov 2015
11:40am, 25 Nov 2015
78,329 posts
Argie didn't do that well I dodn't think.
The four semi finalists certainly included the other three. Hold on, I'll check the last one.
Nov 2015
11:41am, 25 Nov 2015
78,330 posts
Einstein - he won it. I'd misremembered a Dumbledore/Gandalf final.
Nov 2015
11:57am, 25 Nov 2015
11,496 posts
yes do, Greppers dear (in answer to post 78326)