Stretched nerve bundle in shoulder

1 watcher
Jul 2013
8:40am, 4 Jul 2013
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Endorphins Junky
At the end of May I was at an airport waiting for suitcase at the carousel thingy. I was a bit energetic with our biggest and heaviest case – lifted it off the carousel with ease, but a few days later my arm started behaving oddly. If I’m active then no problems, but when I’m still and my arm in resting on anything (which your arm tends to do when not active) then I get a strange and painful tingling sensation down the whole length of my arm, all the way into my hand. Only way to stop is to move my arm vigorously. But of course it comes back when I stop.

GP says I probably stretched the nerve bundle in my shoulder when lifting the suitcase and that it will just heal itself over time. But how long should it take? And is there anything I can do to assist the healing process? Any thoughts welcome.

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Maintained by Endorphins Junky
At the end of May I was at an airport waiting for suitcase at the carousel thingy. I was a bit ener...

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