SPOTY 2016

7 watchers
Dec 2016
1:06pm, 20 Dec 2016
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Ding Dong Jambomo on High!!
Nick Skelton's is an incredible story though. Retired in 2000 for 2 years after breaking his neck in a fall, then comes back and becomes the oldest British winner of an Olympic Gold medal in 100 years. That is an achievement and a half.
Dec 2016
1:09pm, 20 Dec 2016
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Nightjar likes snow
Thanks Ding Dong, I was going to say something like that. :-) I voted for him too, sorry Mo.
Dec 2016
1:10pm, 20 Dec 2016
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Nightjar likes snow
ps did anyone spot me?

Dec 2016
1:22pm, 20 Dec 2016
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There's "breaking your neck" and "breaking your neck". One is quite easy to recover from (but people think its really serious) and the other causes spinal chord damage and is genuinely really serious.

OK, he's old. But any sport where an old man can win an gold medal is by definition not that hard a "sport" at all and indicates how much of a "skill" it is instead. And the contribution of the horse is so significant to the activity that rewarding an individual is just plain nonsense (to me - other opinions are clearly available!). I'm sure he's a wonderful chap, works very hard at his skills and is dedicated to it. But there's no way on earth he is the third best achieving sports personality in the UK this year.
Dec 2016
1:28pm, 20 Dec 2016
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Murray fair enough with Farah and Froome tied for second spot would have been my pick. Also an honourable mention for double BGR Nicky Spink.
I'm puzzled why the likes of Willett and Bale got on the shortlist ahead of Froome but it's all entertainment bollocks nowadays.
Dec 2016
5:11pm, 20 Dec 2016
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Ding dong Meglet on high
They did say the Nick Skelton's specific injury more normally results in death. So either way, he did well not just to recover but also to be able to even compete again.

I think it's shows how difficult it is to judge who is 'the best' when you're not comparing like with like. All of the shortlisted athletes reached the 'pinnacle' of their own sport in one way or another. It's not possible to say that a world ranking is better than an Olympic medal or a premier league title because each sport doesn't have the same achievements.

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There doesn't seem to be a thread for this!

A bit undecided who to vote for, probably Laura Trot...

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