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Small backpacks

1 watcher
Sep 2013
10:02pm, 4 Sep 2013
64 posts
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Any recommendations for a small backpack?

I'd like something that holds a bottle or 2 but only does up across the chest - don't find anything around the waist comfortable. I've not used a bladder before and am not really keen on the idea. I've tried a few but haven't found anything that I like:

Mizuno 5L back pack: back was too rigid and the pockets on the side were too small
Deuter speed lite 10: the pockets on the side were too small
Salomon trail 10: pockets were too large! No change that the bottles would stay in there.

Am I just looking for something that doesn't exist? I'd like to be able to put my hand behind my back and pull out a bottle, perhaps from either side. Maybe I just need to try a bladder instead?

I've a 50k coming up soon and need to carry some kit such as a rain cover, phone, food and drink (beer).
Sep 2013
10:11pm, 4 Sep 2013
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Plenty of rucksack threads have come up before on here - have a search (top right hand corner), but I've got an OMM 10l last drop, which is ok if I want a small rucksack and has been recommended on here several times - I think the bottle holders are a bit awkward (wrong height). I also don't like the fact that the back is very soft, but it seems you don't like that.

Have a look at the raidlight 10l pack and the Inov8 versions as well. I've also got a 22l Osprey rucksack that I love - I use it for everything, including on the Saunders this year. They do smaller versions of approx 10l.

Depending on how much kit you need to take, I'd still think about a bumbag (there's a thread recently come up on this - I strongly recommend the OMM Ultra bag, as it's brilliant) - I use it on most long fell races and it gets all the kit in it I need. including a bottle. It also means that your back is open to allow cool air past it - I get very hot with a backpack on.
Sep 2013
10:26pm, 4 Sep 2013
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Thanks foz.

I've run with a small SIS gel belt but don't think I could get on with anything larger around the waist. I'll have another look for some threads. Where did you get the Raidlight from?
Sep 2013
12:43pm, 5 Sep 2013
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I haven't got a Raidlight - couldn't justify the expense, but have a look here: likeys.com

Inov8: peteblandsports.co.uk

OMM: theomm.com

Osprey: cotswoldoutdoor.com
Sep 2013
12:56pm, 5 Sep 2013
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I'd still highly recommend one of these if you're just wanting to carry minimum kit:


I can get waterproof jacket+trousers, helly, buff, whistle (built into zip), map, compass, gloves, hat, food and there's the bottle for water. It's getting a bit tight when I add more, such as survival bag, but that'll fit in as well. In short, I can get almost everything in for the vast majority of fell races. Only longer winter races, where extra warm layers are required, do I start thinking about using my Last Drop rucksack, or if I'm out for full day in the lakes say.
Sep 2013
7:46pm, 11 Sep 2013
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I plumped for a Deuter speed lite 10 in the end but I'm not entirely happy. It bounces around a bit and I just can't get the shoulder straps correct to stop them digging into my neck.

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Maintained by trebormint
Any recommendations for a small backpack?

I'd like something that holds a bottle or 2 but only ...
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