Aug 2016
10:42am, 17 Aug 2016
96 posts
Oscar the grouch
This is the place for you to dump unwanted stuff. The stuff that really gets on your goat and could do with not existing, *insert your least favourite 'celebrity' here*. But actually, I don't want you to nominate people because frankly, that's just mean and they all have or had a mum (and probably dad) who loved them at some point. I will leave it to you, fellow Fetchies, to decide what should go in or out but since it is my idea (unless there is a forum elsewhere), I am having number 1 for free.
1. Traffic news... utterly pointless and takes up far too much air time on the radio when actually playing a tune would make sitting in the traffic all the more bearable and/or you are so very far from the M8 in Glasgow that you really couldn't give a sh*t... or you know because you have *just* joined the back of the blessed queue. Frankly, if I had never ear of Operation Stack, my life would not be poorer.
Aug 2016
10:45am, 17 Aug 2016
97 posts
Oscar the grouch
*never heard of* Operation Stack. No idea where never ear of came from
Aug 2016
10:51am, 17 Aug 2016
16,653 posts
Aug 2016
10:58am, 17 Aug 2016
2,082 posts
Party political broadcasts. Has anyone ever either a) watched one or b) changed their voting plans based on watching one? Can I also nominate wasps? I suspect they perform some vital function in the world but they are a pain in the arse.
Aug 2016
11:07am, 17 Aug 2016
98 posts
Oscar the grouch
Diogenes - I think we need a reason...
Lemon - Party Political Broadcasts can go in at number 2. Wasps are a pain in the arse but I am going to leave that one here for someone to argue 'pro-wasp' for a while.
So far the list is (catering for the lowest common denominator; which should probably also be on the list): 1. Traffic news 2. Party Political broadcasts
Aug 2016
11:22am, 17 Aug 2016
7,730 posts
Car drivers who stay in the outside lane on dual carriageways even though there is nothing in the inside lane.
Aug 2016
12:48pm, 17 Aug 2016
1,166 posts
You mean 'the fast lane' Seratonin?
People who maintain a steady 45 mph on roads with 60 speed limits AND keep the same speed when they hit 30 zones. You know who you are. Get in Room 101.
Aug 2016
12:54pm, 17 Aug 2016
17,478 posts
The trend for bespoke glasses for each brand of beer in a pub. Before, you could buy a round for two mates, and carry three identically shaped glasses back to your table. Now one's a chalice, one's a mug of some kind, and one's two feet long.
And then they run out of chalices and have a panic that they'll have to serve you in a differently branded glass, and have to get your permission first. Just serve me the alcohol, love!
Aug 2016
3:33pm, 17 Aug 2016
1,577 posts
Surrey Phil
Mobile phones. Just a stupid toy for most people who can't see the reason for having a remote phone for the proper use.
I get annoyed with users walking at me without looking where they are going and having to do additional yardage as a result. I could stand my ground and have an argument or get stabbed!
The other thing is the same idiots who play with their phones on public transport and are so into them that they fail to notice (or pretend not to notice) the elderly, disabled or pregnant who need their seat.
Aug 2016
3:42pm, 17 Aug 2016
16,663 posts
Customer service satisfaction surveys, especially by text message
(2016 because of all the good people that have died, because of Trump and Brexit and BoJo, and other crimes against humanity)