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Pain on top of foot under laces

2 watchers
Apr 2014
1:52pm, 29 Apr 2014
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Help! On last night's run, I had a pain come on under my laces (elastic ones so not too tight).

It felt as though my laces were too tight and I resorted to taking the "lock" off them and undoing them as much as possible but it didn't make any difference. The shoes have done 80 miles so not new new and have not given me the problem before.

To cut a long story short, I ended up limping home with one shoe on and one shoe off and I am now panicking about my marathon on Monday. I can feel a dull ache there today so am not running today but am going to attempt a few miles tomorrow in different shoes.
Has anyone had this, what is it and what can I do? HELP! (please)
Apr 2014
1:55pm, 29 Apr 2014
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It's surprisingly easy to make your elastic laces too tight. Sometimes it takes a while for the circulation to do its magic and remove the pain. Give it a rub (gently) and take it easy.
Apr 2014
2:00pm, 29 Apr 2014
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Thanking you :-) I am going to revert to the original laces and see if that makes any difference too
Apr 2014
3:41pm, 29 Apr 2014
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Lady Sol
Is it swollen at all? I got a ganglion cyst turn up on my foot running in new trainers once. It's still there 8 years later.
Apr 2014
3:46pm, 29 Apr 2014
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errm, sounds bit like pain i've had since feb, coupled with pain right acorss bottom toes and sometimes in ball of foot. you know the prob i've had through facebook K
Apr 2014
3:47pm, 29 Apr 2014
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I had that but after a couple of steps couldn't put my foot down to walk on it - it hurt across the top too much. Luckily I was with a friend and she helped me home. I went to A&E next day as the pain didn't go and they xrayed me, found nothing but it didn't go away over the next four for five day so I went back and had another xray. The xray showed I'd fractured my 3rd metatarsal and they found an old break there too - it didn't come out with the first xray. If your pain doesn't go, get it checked out.
Apr 2014
3:53pm, 29 Apr 2014
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oh blimey, the stuff of nightmares then
Apr 2014
4:04pm, 29 Apr 2014
140 posts
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I get a pain there and, for me, its when I tie my laces too tight. I used to love having my trainers really tight but now have to have them really lose to avoid the problem.

Rest, ice and try to stretch it by pointing your toes down and up. It might take a few days to calm down but hopefully will.
Apr 2014
12:32pm, 30 Apr 2014
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I've just been for a wee run in a pair of my old shoes and my foot was fine :-) My back, however, is a different story :-( But at least I know that the back is due to the knackered shoes. Now to decide what to do re footwear for Monday :-o
Aug 2014
7:29pm, 27 Aug 2014
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martin K
yes i have had the same problem, it comes and goes now but it will ease off in time.

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Maintained by minardi
Help! On last night's run, I had a pain come on under my laces (elastic ones so not too tight).

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