MP3 or phone; and what headphones?

3 watchers
May 2015
2:24pm, 14 May 2015
316 posts
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It's this so I just plug in earphones that suit me. You can forward and rewind tracks, pause and change volume. Main problem I had initially was accidentally calling people - not wanted on an early morning run!
May 2015
3:13pm, 14 May 2015
1,699 posts
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icelandic trigirl
Thanks! I've got problems with the in-ear headphones because they either hurt my ears or don't stay on. The ones I got here have little clips over the ears and true to form, stay on but hurt my sodding ears!
May 2015
6:29pm, 14 May 2015
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pink fairy
They're not too high tech once you get used to them- they're actually brilliantly simple to use. They have little loops that can go behind your ears which I find helps them stay in.

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Well, as some of you know, my cheap mp3 player which my mum got free in a packet of cornflakes (or s...

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