Feb 2015
8:44am, 20 Feb 2015
2,031 posts
Tim of MK
Four-day target! Maybe four-day target lol.
Feb 2015
8:56am, 20 Feb 2015
2,477 posts
Tim is there a reason that you're doing your longer runs quicker than your planned MP? the vast majority of advice suggests that your longer runs should be slower than race pace
Feb 2015
8:57am, 20 Feb 2015
2,478 posts
(I also wouldn't consider a 4 hour marathon slow at all, that's my lifetime goal!)
Feb 2015
4:46pm, 20 Feb 2015
2,032 posts
Tim of MK
Hi there
I've tried the 'long slow run' training approach before, but didn't get on with it. Running at slower than marathon race-day pace just not fun. Morw a drudge.
Feb 2015
5:55pm, 20 Feb 2015
2,479 posts
Fair enough. Gotta do what works for you!
Feb 2015
6:27pm, 22 Feb 2015
35 posts
Each to their own..............I finished my first marathon on LSR max distance of 16 miles, and run/ walked it. Since then I'd rather get at least to 18 miles regularly on LSR's, but find that LSR's of over 3.5 hrs are too damaging to the next week's trainig. I'm generally finishing in the 4:10-4:30 region. The advice that you should go to, or beyong 20 miles seems aimed at faster runners.
Feb 2015
7:35pm, 22 Feb 2015
905 posts
Lady Sol
I'd still class you as a faster runner though. If I only trained up to 3.45, then I'd only cover 15-16 miles as my LSR, and for me that wouldn't be long enough.
Feb 2015
7:53am, 23 Feb 2015
2,034 posts
Tim of MK
With regard to 20-miler plus LSRs, there are many who've used this approach and completed their marathon. But that's not to say that those self-same people wouldn't have clocked the self-same times on the self-same days on the back of shorter training runs.
Feb 2015
8:38am, 23 Feb 2015
1,638 posts
I am doing fewer LSRs and a lot more speed and hill training. I am keen to get under 6 hours because that is the cut off for some marathons and unless I get quicker, one day there will be no marathons that I can still enter and I love running marathons.
I have the twin challenges of being chubby and old and my marathon PB is 6:18, 7 years ago. New coach has got be running LSRs shorter and even slower, but never out for more than 3 hours and running one on Saturday and one on Sunday with some thundering about doing speed and hill training in between. I am also running 6 days a week now. My average HR per mile is falling and my rolling pace is increasing. He reckons I might go sub six this year... I am less sure. I wish you lived near me Rev and I could train with you!
Feb 2015
11:51am, 23 Feb 2015
22 posts
Hi all, managed 20 miles on Saturday morning found it hard to slow down, had to remind myself to go slow! Hope to get 4 hours or under at the Connemarathon on the 12th April. My plan has 3 20 mile runs, was thinking of doing the middle one at 22 miles what would you think? Overdoing it?