Jul 2013
4:01pm, 23 Jul 2013
13,266 posts
My 610 does it too I think - I'll let her know some model numbers.
Jul 2013
4:01pm, 23 Jul 2013
5,436 posts
Perhaps if we knew where she was based you might get some volunteers to help out and run with her...
Jul 2013
4:01pm, 23 Jul 2013
20,518 posts
Old Croc, Blind Ken is our celebrity blind runner. I happen to know that he doesn't use a Garmin. He has a watch which speaks the time and hence can tell us how long we've been out. He also knows the distances of all of his routes, so he can def assess pace. But not on a real-time basis like you get from a GPS watch.
But a Garmin can do it, as above. :-)G
Jul 2013
4:33pm, 23 Jul 2013
334 posts
The problem with using a Garmin is that you get one generic beep/vibrate whether you're over or under the pace you're aiming for. If you also include distance alerts it's not really possible to tell why it's beeping/vibrating at you.
Jul 2013
4:38pm, 23 Jul 2013
2,218 posts
Not a complete solution, but if she lives near a parkrun, would it be worth asking if an experienced pacer (or a rotating team) would be interested in volunteerring to guide-run with her?
Jul 2013
4:49pm, 23 Jul 2013
20,519 posts
Blind Ken could do a really good blog and/or thread about speedwork Dooogs. He does it all: long runs at LSR to MP, intervals on a grass track (Slim boy is his guide for that), park runs for 5K tempo (I've guided him on a couple of those) etc. I'll ping him a note and maybe suggest he blog about it or start a thread.
Fetch - could you point the Fetchie in question towards Ken and suggest she fmail him. I know he's always happy to pass on info. He is also professionally involved, as I think as part of his work with RNIB he assesses usability of devices. Though as he's now chairman of RNIB Scotland he may not actually do that hands-on any more, I'm not sure.
Just a thought. :-)G
Jul 2013
4:55pm, 23 Jul 2013
13,267 posts
She's struggling to get online, but can you ask him if I can pass on his email?
Jul 2013
5:06pm, 23 Jul 2013
20,520 posts
I will ask indeed... poke me if I don't come back to you soon.
Jul 2013
5:19pm, 23 Jul 2013
20,521 posts
I've pinged Ken an email and asked him to either get back to me or to you directly Fetch. Hope that's OK. :-)G