May 2016
10:39am, 20 May 2016
17,268 posts
K started to get SPD really early on. It was a feature of her whole pregnancy. There's no way she'd have been able to do any stretches.
May 2016
2:51pm, 20 May 2016
7,564 posts
Sorry to hear that you're so sore, Ultra Cas (and that your wife was, DeeGee).
I didn't mean to belittle SPD, sorry if it sounded like that - just thought I'd throw in my experience in case it wasn't SPD. I got off lightly though! Fingers crossed for the pain to stay manageable for you.
May 2016
10:13am, 28 May 2016
114 posts
I have a quick prom question. Many apologies, I know this will have been asked before, but: the joggers for running are only from 5 months age- what did you do up until tha? Do you have a normal and a running pushchair? Which baby jogger do you recommend? My parents are keen on gifting a nice pram set, but I'm kind of keen on a jogging friendly one so wondering if I should just buy that one second hand and keep in the car or so? Thanks! (26 weeks pregnant now btw)
May 2016
10:14am, 28 May 2016
115 posts
Pram question I mean!
May 2016
10:22am, 28 May 2016
11,911 posts
I had two (one second hand buggy, one on loan running buggy). Running buggies tend to be bulkier.
May 2016
3:58pm, 28 May 2016
135 posts
We got a BOB Revolution plus the bassinet fitting. Would definitely recommend if you have a big enough car, although it's not cheap!
May 2016
6:02pm, 28 May 2016
116 posts
Our car is huge, so that's fine. Sorry for the daft question, but when you say bassinet is the from BOB as well? I can't find it. Thanks
May 2016
6:04pm, 28 May 2016
117 posts
Ignore me- I've found it. I think I'll go for that!
May 2016
6:23pm, 29 May 2016
136 posts
krautchen - we love it! Think we have the BOB Revolution. It looks a bit odd with the bassinet on because the main pushchair seat is fixed, but it works! Do let
May 2016
6:24pm, 29 May 2016
137 posts
Sorry - Do let me know if you want to know anything else about it!