Oct 2009
3:59pm, 2 Oct 2009
500 posts
I may be up for this - depending on whether I can get free acoomodation in London
That is if I'm not blacklisted beforehand
Oct 2009
4:02pm, 2 Oct 2009
3,862 posts
Naomi P
I'm sure there will be plenty of floor space on offer for somewhere to kip
£20 sounds like a reasonable limit. Quite a few places offer free space in their venues if you guarantee a certain amount over the bar. Canapes and food and stuff looks to start from about £5 per head.
Oct 2009
4:04pm, 2 Oct 2009
501 posts
I'm lucky enough to have a cousin who lives in Hayes, I may be able to arrange a visit to them at the same time as the party
Oct 2009
4:08pm, 2 Oct 2009
3,863 posts
Naomi P
Thinking about the dates, it may be best to avoid the 18th Dec if it's so busy in the pubs. We could always have the party on the 11th for example plus impromptu drinks on the 18th..
Oct 2009
4:09pm, 2 Oct 2009
502 posts
NOvember 20th wouldn't be too good for you Naomi as you will be up here running 2 days after that!
Oct 2009
4:11pm, 2 Oct 2009
9,381 posts
Hayes Kent or Hayes Middlesex DD?
£20 sounds like a lot to me What if we just want to pop in and have a coke and no nibbles???
Oct 2009
4:12pm, 2 Oct 2009
3,864 posts
Naomi P
Ah that's fine. A piss up two days before a mara is optimum timing, by the time you've recovered from your hangover you feel invincible
Oct 2009
4:13pm, 2 Oct 2009
503 posts
The Hayes that's not too far from heathrow airport - not sure which that is though
Oct 2009
4:14pm, 2 Oct 2009
9,152 posts
I would guess that we would need to book promtly as Nov is defo Xmas party season in town.
Oct 2009
4:15pm, 2 Oct 2009
9,382 posts
That'll be Middlesex DD Make sure you get a train to the right one!