May 2016
11:13pm, 28 May 2016
12,657 posts
I saw the first mayfly here a couple of weeks ago, but that was very early for here. It usually the first couple of weeks of June when they really get going.
I have what I think is a sparrowhawk calling continuously from the tree at the front of the bungalow. It's fairly dark now. Is that normal, or could it be something else making the racket.
May 2016
8:06am, 29 May 2016
19,517 posts
At least one of 'my' starlings has learned to use the feeder elegantly. It's a bit like watching a chimp type Shakespeare.
May 2016
8:19am, 29 May 2016
795 posts
HowFar? You could check out the call at www. guess (and it's only a guess) is that it isn't normal for a Sprawk to call a lot when it's dark. Quiet morning birdwise but a few rabbits and a fox nearly bumped into me...No Starlings in my garden, they are rare for me.
May 2016
8:20am, 29 May 2016
21,394 posts
Derby Tup
Jay maybe? Very noisy
May 2016
8:23am, 29 May 2016
21,395 posts
Derby Tup
Our house smells of buttercup pollen. The church field is full of buttercups and the dogs' white patches are lemon now. Song thrush doing a brilliant song last night including a burst of nuthatch "machine gunning"
May 2016
3:42pm, 29 May 2016
4,037 posts
Northern Exile
I think it's been a good haul today, roughly in this order:
Blackbird Blue Tit Great Tit Thrush Magpies Starlings Curlews Peacock Golden Plover Lapwing Red Grouse Heron Partridge
Nidderdale was lovely today
May 2016
6:05pm, 29 May 2016
17,991 posts
I saw a load of house martins flying around this afternoon, managed to follow where they went and saw them building their nests in the eaves of an old cottage.
May 2016
6:07pm, 29 May 2016
303 posts
Went for a walk through the park today and sat by one of the bridges. All my family have now seen the kingfisher at least once, I have twice. Today I saw it five times! Such a breathtaking experience. It seemed to have someth i ng in its beak. Not sure if a fish or if it was a dropping from a nestling? Circled round the bridge and back on one occasion, it either defaecated or dropped the pellet from its beak. Might just go back out there tomorrow again
May 2016
7:10pm, 29 May 2016
30 posts
The nearby lake has rapidly growing goslings (2 sets) and signets, but I haven't spotted any ducklings yet despite there being moorhens about.
The geese seem surprisingly calm when I run past them, but the swans less so, either way I give them a wide berth.
May 2016
7:15pm, 29 May 2016
21,401 posts
Derby Tup
Two cuckoo (decent views of one, one heard only) and a fabulous male redstart