Feb 2011
9:57am, 3 Feb 2011
7,122 posts
A good coffee and cake shop next door would be fab!!! But sadly they won't allow that type of planning permission
HB - one of my web / computer clients at the moment is just leaving a directorship of a big company to take over a struggling haberdashery and knitting shop - she'll have a gallery floor, a shop floor and a basement for workshops with a posh coffee machine and the local bakery doing cakes for them. Sounds fab doesn't it?
Feb 2011
10:02am, 3 Feb 2011
6,436 posts
sounds like my idea of heaven
Feb 2011
10:15am, 3 Feb 2011
5,298 posts
Wow, that has HB written all over it!!Haberdashery, knitting, coffee and cake (work)shop hugs.
Feb 2011
10:16am, 3 Feb 2011
795 posts
The Penketh Runner
Coffee and Cakes Hugs!!!
Feb 2011
10:19am, 3 Feb 2011
7,136 posts
tiggs - we need to go there
frazzled hugs. took the kids to the dentist this morning.
Feb 2011
10:22am, 3 Feb 2011
6,437 posts
you need coffee and cake pesto
Feb 2011
10:27am, 3 Feb 2011
7,138 posts
Eldest doesn't like people touching him at the best of times, so getting a strong 10 year old to lie down and let someone poke in his mouth is.. interesting.. and harder than last time. And, oddly, given that he doesn't like things in his mouth, he hasn't been cleaning his teeth...
So the 20 minute consultation, followed by him completely losing it in the waiting room and turning the buggy over before lying down and bursting into tears was, well, expected.
Off to get C injected now.
I make my children cry hugs
Feb 2011
10:29am, 3 Feb 2011
7,139 posts
Oh and 42 points a day on WW hugs
Feb 2011
10:31am, 3 Feb 2011
5,299 posts
Aaaawr, poor lad! Can't have been nice or easy for you either, but well done to both of you for getting through this all. Good luck with C next and then it's time to stop making your kids cry. ((((PM))))
Feb 2011
11:20am, 3 Feb 2011
6,438 posts
all morning to track down a reptile vet hugs