Mar 2013
7:11am, 23 Mar 2013
4,058 posts
torsparkles and cammyboy01, if you have places to transfer the 'done' thing is to fmail the one at the top of the list and offer them your place first. If they've already got a place then offer it to the next one.
To fmail, type their Fetch name in the search bar at the top, then click on the wee envelope icon
Welcome to Fetch, too
Mar 2013
9:13am, 23 Mar 2013
177 posts
Hi. I have an entry for the full marathon but its not looking like I will be ready to run this in 9 weeks so I was hoping to drop down to the half. I have been on the EMF website and they can't transfer my place from one race to another so I'm wondering if anyone has a half mara place and really wants to run the full thing instead? I've no idea how this would work, if it isn't possible I might just give the place away but I'm not sure yet so thought I would ask
Mar 2013
9:35am, 23 Mar 2013
7,661 posts
Can you take me off the list please
Mar 2013
7:57am, 24 Mar 2013
178 posts
I think I have a place sorted for the half so have a place to transfer f
Mar 2013
7:58am, 24 Mar 2013
179 posts
For the full. How does it work and are there still people looking for places?
Mar 2013
11:10am, 24 Mar 2013
8,636 posts
I'm looking for a half p,ace Princesszee. I will fmail you.
Mar 2013
11:10am, 24 Mar 2013
8,637 posts
Scrap that just seen this is marathon swap. Doh !
Mar 2013
12:14pm, 24 Mar 2013
180 posts
I have a full marathon place, you sure you don't want it?
Mar 2013
12:24pm, 24 Mar 2013
2 posts
Hi can you take me off the list please.
Mar 2013
12:24pm, 24 Mar 2013
3 posts
Hi can you take me off the list please.