Jan 2012
10:10am, 4 Jan 2012
13,634 posts
Ok, this is a weird one, sorry
A few weeks ago/couple of months ago I stubbed my toe (4th toe left foot) really badly. Big clunk, much swearing, big purple bruise.
Anyway it still aches almost all the time, is still fairly rigid, still discoloured, still swollen. On prodding and poking it about it feels different from the other foot, lumps of joints are bigger and different and tender, toe is a different shape.
Is it worth getting checked out? Will my gp laugh me out of the room if I ask for an X-ray? It does hurt and is affecting how I walk (I noticed I have shifted my weight over to the inside of foot)
It doesn't help that I dislocated the little toe on that foot badly when I was 17 and haven't been able to move that toe since then... Don't really want two knackered toes on that foot!
Jan 2012
10:13am, 4 Jan 2012
18,785 posts
If it's painful all the time and affecting how you walk a couple of months after the initial injury, and hasn't gone back to its normal shape, it IS worth having checked out.
Jan 2012
10:17am, 4 Jan 2012
13,635 posts
Thank you! Will get it prodded and poked
Jan 2012
10:30am, 4 Jan 2012
10,492 posts
I can't believe that you are asking this question, you should know better than this. Get thee seen to lass. Afore you change your Fetch name to peg leg. *tsk*
Fortunately a grown up answered before I got here.
Jan 2012
10:39am, 4 Jan 2012
8,320 posts
When I was 12, a fat friend of mine jumped off my bunk bed and broke my big toe by landing on my foot :-/
No one believed me, even the bastard radiologist told my Mum I must be faking it to get off school, and you can imagine how much trouble that got me in. I should have gone back and made the bitch eat humble pie when the x-ray came back showing poor tootsie broken in two places
If I were you I would still go to the doctor and find out for sure, but I don't think there is much they can do for broken toes. I don't recall mine being strapped up,but I think I might have been given crutches (that gave me MASSIVE blisters on my hands)!