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Apr 2020
12:28pm, 30 Apr 2020
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Do you plan deload time into you running schedule and if so, what does that comprise of?

(Deloading might be where you reduce distance or intensity or do something completely different for a short time to aid recovery)

Keen to see if / what others do so I might borrow or use an idea :)


My rough plan is maybe 5K time trial to start next week, then short easy run every other day for remainder of the week some mobility drills.

Me: After a long time off running, I followed an 11 week (Greg McMillan) 5K plan and am now in week 4 of a new Jack Daniels (red) plan.

The structured plans have been good at keeping my injury/ niggle free but some days the legs are a little stiff / tender and at about 45KM per week, I thought perhaps I should use next week to let the legs recover a bit before starting the next 4 week block, of Jack Daniels 16 week red plan. (This will be harder as it increases interval lengths but also I am fitter so a 5K time trial will no doubt mean a re-assessment of my threshold and effort trainig paces)
May 2020
7:28am, 5 May 2020
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I usually run to a plan when aiming for a specific target and those plans have 'easy' weeks in them to allow recovery. Does the Daniels plan not have that?
May 2020
6:16pm, 6 May 2020
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Daniels kind of does in 2 regards but I didn't think I could wait:

1. He recommends building up a base with easy running for 3 -6 weeks before starting my current plan. I skipped that as I had just completed an 11 week 5KM plan from Garmin / Greg McMillan. The McMillan plan had a taper week on the final week to reduce volume and effort.

2. On the current Jack Daniels plan I follow - the RED plan, there is a 16 week block comprising 4x weeks. Block 1 and 2 build on each other with 5 days a week running and 2 quality days for repeats at 1KM / 1 Mile. The 3rd block is the hardest and then it reduces on the final 4 weeks.

In my case, I have just finished firt 4 weeks of the Daniels plan and the lower legs were feeling a bit niggly. Potentially early signs of shin splints so I skipped the last long run on the block and rested full 6 days. I ran easy today for 6KM and will probably run a couple more easy runs this week. Then a 5K time trial on the weekend to base my training paces for block 2.

Currently I am not running very far, at about 45KM a week but I think that was basically from zero in Feb so the legs are grateful. I also think the covid lockdown perhaps exaserbates issues as I am not getting any walking in, so the warmup seems to take longer to loosen up my legs - particularly after a rest day.

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Do you plan deload time into you running schedule and if so, what does that comprise of?

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