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Championship Start at London marathon: experiences/tips

4 watchers
Apr 2024
4:29pm, 23 Apr 2024
75 posts
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Thanks so much again for the sock tip!

The champs area was not so different from fast yellow of 2023. Long toilet queues, but free lucozade. We had to drop out bags off at 9.30 so a lot of very lean, race ready people shivering in the cold ha

Very friendly, as the other starts have been too

KinkyS wrote:I'm not joking about the socks! There are rules about the size of logo you can have on any of your kit as champs start is under UKA competitive rules and doesn't allow advertising. Pretty much all standard running kit is compliant anyway unless it has a massive logo, but I did have to justify my Fetch buff as it had the logo all over it, and one year I had to turn my compressport calf guards inside out as the logo was too big. I said the Fetch buff was a website and that seemed good enough though. Unhelpfully, the piece of paper with these rules on is only given to you when you register, by which point you've probably already chosen and packed your one set of kit for the race. I last ran off champs in 2017 or 2018, so it might have changed now - maybe you'll get an email in advance. You need to be a member of a UKA affiliated club and wear the correct vest - there will be people with clipboards checking you on the way in and whilst sometimes you can saunter in undetected (don't meet their eye!), other times you will be checked. Charity vests are not allowed, fancy dress is *certainly* not allowed

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About This Thread

Maintained by Chrismean
Just curious about people's experiences off the championship start, or if anyone has any hints or tips that were worth knowing?

I realise there are no pacers from this start section (correct me if i am wrong), so if anyone wants to to run about 3.10 pace, I'd be so happy for some company (long shot, i know).
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