Jan 2014
3:16pm, 9 Jan 2014
29,721 posts
Due to flooding we have had to take the decision to move next Wednesday's Enigma Willen marathon to Furzton lake (both Caldecotte lake & Willen lake are at least a foot & a half deep in places). park run & a 10km weekend event at Willen have already cancelled.
The New Venue will be the same as the recent Winter Enigma - The Furzton lake, Pub, Shirwell Crescent, Furzton, MK4 1GA. (New course is 17 laps of Furzton Lake).
This isn't an ideal situation I know but sure folks will prefer this to the other option of cancelling the event completely.
If I can contact all the competitors (& get confirmation from them) we will start at 10am as advertised, however if not we will start at 10.15.
If those entered could comment or respond/ email / fmail to this post to confirm they are aware I would be very grateful & can then email the remaining runners.
thanks Foxy
Jan 2014
5:23pm, 12 Jan 2014
145 posts
Travelhovel booked ,week at the knees just got real . Scared now
Jan 2014
9:43am, 13 Jan 2014
29,724 posts
I have now had confirmation from all the runners that they are aware of the change of venue for Wednesday & The Buff Furzton Enigma (the artist formerly known as the Buff Willen Enigma ) will start at the Furzton Lake pub at 10am on Wednesday 15th January 2014.
Address : Shirwell Crescent, Furzton, MK4 1GA.
Jan 2014
10:10am, 13 Jan 2014
1,482 posts
I'm booked into a hotel to stay this Friday to do the anniversary MK parkrun on Saturday - do you think it is likely that it might still be under water and be postponed? I had planned on then heading over to Furzton after parkrun to check it out and get a few laps in
Jan 2014
10:12am, 13 Jan 2014
29,725 posts
The weather has improved here but not sure if it will for Willen for the weekend - i will tailor my Thursday training run to take in Willen & let you know the state of play.
Jan 2014
3:41pm, 13 Jan 2014
13,543 posts
Ultra Sparkly Bridget (USB)
The problem is less the weather and more the water levels. Willen has been flooded between the 2 lakes due to the sluice gates having to be opened to release water from the river.
Jan 2014
6:15pm, 13 Jan 2014
29,728 posts
I ran both Caldecotte Way & Willen way today & it's not looking good at either venue.
I wouldn't hold your breath that park run will be on Slick
Jan 2014
7:55pm, 13 Jan 2014
1,483 posts
Though it was encouraging to see this listed on their facebook page (on 11th Jan): "Next Saturday is our fourth anniversary! There will be a run, although it is unlikely to be the usual route,.."
Jan 2014
9:14pm, 13 Jan 2014
29,730 posts
they have an alternative route - I ran it Xmas day 2012 if it's that route be prepared for 3.5 miles plus.
Jan 2014
2:45pm, 14 Jan 2014
13,546 posts
Ultra Sparkly Bridget (USB)
The Christmas route is not good for the usual Saturday turnout but we have a cunning plan for an alternative 5K route.