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Helsby (BICC) RC

3 Fetch Members
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Helsby running club

What’s it all about?




If you like a run, you might like a run in company. We have members who never race and never feel the need to race. And you don’t have to be fast! We have faster runners in the club, but most of us are much more modestly talented. We’re open to all runners, however local you are.


We have two regular training nights – Mondays and Wednesdays. The first is more biased towards a ‘quality session’ with structured training (track, hill repeats, intervals, etc.), meeting at 7pm (at the club in the dark months, Helsby High School track in the summer).

Our Wednesday run is the main training night with a bigger turnout. In summer, most of us enjoy an off-road run around Helsby and Frodsham hills. In winter we’re a bit more restricted by the daylight and have a regular rota of three runs of around 8 miles, some opt for a shorter run.

Race build up

If you’ve got an ambition to start racing or perhaps complete one of the popular 5k series like Race for Life, we can help. Got a burning ambition for the big 26.2 distance? We have several marathon veterans who can give you a few pointers.


Curry nights

We organise a social evening on the first Wednesday of the month, after our regular club run. Club members are also automatically members of the social club, with their own calendar of events (and hot showers!). Other events through the year and regular post-run drinks at the club.

Competitions and race series

Road series

Every year we select a number of events to count towards our summer championship, some old favourites and some newer events. Most of these are within comfortable travelling distance from the club, and shared lifts are usually available. 12 events, best 7 to count. Spring to Autumn.

Fell series

Many of us enjoy the delights of the steeper stuff, running both near and far on the hills of the Clwyds, Peak, West Yorks, Shropshire, Lakes, etc. We keep a separate tally of results for selected events, counting towards a separate fell championship. A tremendously friendly form of competition, events are usually cheap & easy to enter, with a good spread of abilities. Worth a try. Spring to late Autumn. The British fell relays, usually in mid-October are held as the fell season is winding down. Team event for 6 runners in 4 legs. Two solo, one paired leg and a navigation pair.

Four villages half marathon

Every year we organize the incredibly popular Four Villages half marathon, staring in Helsby, running through Dunham, Mouldsworth, Manley and back to Helsby. A traditional start to many people’s season, we’ve had some impressive winners over the years. The race also raises significant amounts of money for distribution to local charities and good causes. January.

Borders league

A series of 7 road runs over winter, organised by local clubs in our corner of the north west and north Wales. Distances between about 4.5 and 6 miles. Fiercely competitive at the front (so we’re told), with a fairly leisurely pace towards the rear. Counts to our road champs. Free to enter, but a club series so you need to run in a club vest. More at www.bordersleague.org.uk. October to April.

Winter cross country

Another winter series, again free to enter. Most events you can just turn up with a club vest, although the bigger championship events are pre-entry. We’re members of the Liverpool & District series (Saturdays) and the Sunday League (tea and sandwiches laid on after). Separate club championships, 12 events, best 7 results count, minimum 4 to be eligible for a prize. October to February.

Trail series

A new thing for us. A series of longer runs (14-30 miles), co-ordinated by our ‘doesn’t know when to stop’ specialist Andy Robinson. Six reasonably local events, best 4 count towards the championship. May involve map-work (and a long day out!), but terrain not too fierce. Spring to Autumn.

Summer handicap & barbecue

Organised on Helsby Hill, this new event attracted a huge turnout and the barbecue afterwards was a great success. We’ll definitely be repeating it next year. Have a word with Phil Gillard, our Treasurer.

Xmas handicap

Preliminary to our winter meet-up, another intra-club handicap along a traditional course from Tesco down to the High School and back. As fast as possible. Andy Smith, our chairman looks after the handicapping for this. Followed by prizes, secret santa, a feast of food and possibly beer too.

Other stuff

Coaching, physio & remedial massage

Amongst our number you’ll find folk from all walks of life. On a running theme, we’re lucky enough to have a qualified coach, personal trainer, chartered physiotherapist and a massage therapist. All of whom will be pleased to give you a word of advice, or help on a more professional basis.

Cheap gear

We’ve made contact with a source of good value running gear. He doesn’t carry the overheads of a shop and is happy to pass on some of the savings to us. He has access to many of the big brand names and if he doesn’t have what you want, can often get it within a couple of days.

Try before you buy!

We know it sometimes takes a bit of courage to turn up to a new club – we’ll try to make you welcome! You’re very welcome to join us for a few runs before deciding to join. We won’t pester you until you’ve made your mind up! Check us out on the website for the latest news.
53.2751 -2.77954

Club Sessions

Use this section to display your typical weekly sessions e.g. Tuesdays at the Leisure Centre at 7pm. Click the day links above to edit.

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