Miles 31.10
Min/mi 10:24
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Sometimes people forget to stop their GPS before driving home. If you think something like that has happened here, you can ask for this training entry to be reviewed. If the review agrees, the user will be notified and the training entry will be quarantined until sorted. Your report is anonymous.
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Nice! Are you not a bit dizzy though? (I was looking out for you as we drove around this morning, if I’d known your route I could have set up a checkpoint on the corner of Stanstead Rd 😂). Hope you’ve defrosted now xx
Top Binting
I see you gave yourself a change of view a few times
Have you warmed up yet?
Wow! Ultrabint is back.
Oh my - that's amazing! Well done indeed xxx
Just brilliant. Hope you are warm and cozy now. Super well done xx
Wahey well done
Woohoo UltraBint
Notes added
Paula - you have no idea how bloody lovely it was to look up and see you standing there clapping. Totally made my day
Wow, wow and bloody wow x
Congratulations, great run! I’m laughing sympathetically at mile 24. Let’s just say it was damn lucky I had my work ID card on me about mile 10...
With no heat in the house, you'll have to go for a run to get yourself warm
So pleased to see that you (mostly) enjoyed yourself
Great going, nice to see that the Bint is BACK!
So pleased to read this. Bloody well done! X
Wow, just wow, amazing
That's amazing. Well done.
Hope water issue gets sorted soon. You are amazing 😘
Thank you, everybody. Still no water here. Will mean Deliveroo here as I had pasta planned *rolls eyes*
Superb run Bint
Enjoy the Deliveroo
You should have texted me and come here for a (very socially distanced!!) shower. You are just awesome, even if you are smelly xx
Still stinky (still no water even though they claimed an hour ago that it would be back on soon) but my belly is full
Top running - well done
Great running, it's one heck of a distance!