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Sat 20th Apr 2024 at 8:35am by Tango (Adam)

Run > General

  • Time
  • Miles
  • Min/mi
  • Pacing
  • WAVA
  • Stride(cm)
  • Cals
  • Watts
  • Cadence
  • BPM
  • B/mi
  • Asc(m)
  • Surface

Notes & Comments

1) 1mi - 17:00(17:00/mi) 100/130bpm [1694b/mi] 105/200rpm
2) 0.74mi - 12:29(16:48/mi) 92/131bpm [1542b/mi] 104/148rpm
17:00 12:29


50% 4% 4% 43%


Miles Miles Time Time Split Split Min/mi /mi HR bpm HR Beats/mi BMI Cadence rpm Cad. Power Watts Watts Ascent mtrs Asc.
0.06 1:48 1:48 28:53 106 91-114 3062 118 44-200 112 8-248 1/1
0.13 3:05 1:16 20:24 94 88-96 1917 98 46-116 134 118-152 2/0
0.19 4:18 1:14 19:38 92 86-99 1806 101 98-104 126 116-140 1/1
0.25 5:34 1:16 20:12 91 80-101 1838 103 100-104 127 118-134 0/0
0.31 6:49 1:15 19:58 98 87-103 1956 103 100-104 116 108-130 0/1
0.38 8:02 1:13 19:32 101 94-104 1972 104 100-108 124 108-144 0/2
0.44 9:06 1:04 17:04 104 102-107 1775 104 104-106 155 126-178 0/3
0.50 10:21 1:15 19:53 93 78-103 1849 103 102-108 127 102-172 1/1
0.56 11:31 1:10 18:35 84 80-88 1561 108 104-114 142 122-164 0/0
0.63 13:04 1:34 24:58 97 86-104 2422 107 88-112 115 4-148 0/1
0.69 15:40 2:36 41:33 112 98-130 4654 105 42-124 235 10-844 1/0
0.75 15:59 19 5:09 111 110-111 572 - 884 850-926 1/1
0.81 16:10 11 2:56 114 112-115 334 - 895 872-936 6/0
0.88 16:22 11 3:03 114 112-115 347 - 819 802-862 0/0
0.94 16:50 28 7:35 104 97-111 789 - 107 46-810 1/2
1.00 17:00 10 2:41 95 94-96 254 - 267 170-364 0/7
1.06 17:21 21 5:39 94 91-95 530 78 48-94 800 498-1020 0/8
1.13 17:29 8 2:06 96 95-96 202 - 1035 976-1058 3/4
1.19 17:37 7 1:55 96 94-96 184 - 1016 940-1074 1/25
1.25 17:42 5 1:21 94 93-95 127 - 1064 1048-1082 9/5
1.31 17:48 6 1:42 91 91-92 155 - 1032 1012-1044 8/7
1.38 17:54 7 1:44 93 92-93 161 - 1042 1034-1058 22/29
1.44 18:11 16 4:22 94 93-96 410 87 58-100 519 104-1102 17/15
1.50 18:49 39 10:18 104 96-109 1071 100 100-100 69 54-110 31/13
1.56 19:42 53 14:04 104 98-108 1462 100 100-100 232 30-724 17/37
1.63 21:29 1:46 28:24 104 97-120 2953 92 46-122 96 44-188 25/22
1.69 23:22 1:54 30:18 115 89-131 3485 137 96-148 143 44-490 25/6
1.74 29:30 6:08 1:50:39 77 62-88 8520 - 225 44-490 2/25


  • Show Beats/Mile


Asc 135m, Range 61m, Flat prediction 29:33
Elevation Graph
No climbs of at least 10 metres detected.


198W (1102 max)
Power Graph
Power Bands


105 (200 max) Stride Length: 90cm
Cadence Chart
Cadence Bands
% Cad Mi Time Min/mi
Run 4.4 147 0.1 1:19 13:05
Walk 60.0 102 1.6 17:42 10:46
Still 35.6 - - 10:30 -


Distance Time Mins/mi WAVA Fastest
400m 24 1:38 184.76% More
800m 1:00 2:00 173.34% More
1km 1:51 2:59 121.64% More
Mile 8:55 8:55 43.70% More


Dist Time Per Mile WAVA
1M 16:26 16:26 23.71
5km 54:38 17:35 24.23
5M 1:30:28 18:06 23.77
10km 1:53:54 18:20 23.60
10M 3:08:37 18:52 23.54
Half 4:11:07 19:10 23.21
20M 6:33:15 19:40 23.49
Mara 8:43:34 19:59 23.52
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