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Sat 23rd Jun 2012 at 12:00pm by EdJ

Run > Race

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Notes & Comments

Greensand Ridge Relay - run as solo ultra.

Nice to be doing this with the Spires and Shires under my belt - although very tough few weeks proceeding at work meant I was short of sleep, so worried about crashing.

Traditionally a baking hot day, but overcast, with the odd shower, and a following breeze for most of the way.

Set off at my usual slightly too fast pace, but all felt good and comfortable. Walked any significant ups - and found I wasn't actually losing any ground on the people in front. Nice to have some of the relay teams for company and to help ease the navigational burden, and everyone very friendly. Except the bloke who manhandled me out of the way when I was dawdling at the gate by Deadman's Hill. Caught up with Damo at the 2nd handover for a change of maps and bottle swap - and it was good to see the Arbsters out in force. Ran with the solo winner for a while when he caught me up, but the pace was just a bit quick for me to sustain. Missed Damo at third and fourth changeovers, but was able to refill bottle (although running low on cake). A few shocks of cramp between 20 and 25 miles, but they disappeared. Felt much stronger for the last 10 miles than Spires and Shires - helped I think by the better weather and the slightly easier terrain. Although in places it was very very muddy. Beautiful route though, with only a few hundred metres of road to break up the trail.

Was the usual physical and emotional wreck at the finish - and I hope I didn't scare Arbster's children!

Pleased with the time, and also to be second fastest soloist. Also managed to beat the Biggleswade men's relay team, although they clearly had a few navigational issues.

Fuelling for reference: Banana sandwich at 11 (before 11:45 start). Golden syrup cake and ginger cake during, together with some fudge and jelly babies, and the usual electrolyte in the bottle. Note for next time - don't put electrolyte tablets in the same bag as the fudge - it makes it strangely fizzy!

Two days later, quads are a bit sore and PF aching a bit, but no other apparent damage. Wondering what to do next now...
:) well done !
Maybe not London to Brighton, as it's fearsomely expensive and finishes a long way from home. There are a couple of 50-milers I've got my eye on though.


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