Miles 6.21
Min/mi 7:02
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Sometimes people forget to stop their GPS before driving home. If you think something like that has happened here, you can ask for this training entry to be reviewed. If the review agrees, the user will be notified and the training entry will be quarantined until sorted. Your report is anonymous.
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found this really tough going esp the hills- not the very slow miles of 4 and 6-that was me walking in an attempt for my lungs not to burst!!!! now 100% so on the whole very pleased with my race. first place, gorgeous trophy and a weekend away with the fox! not bad for a girl with a chest infection!
that should say 'note' not 'not! and forgot to add the fields, woods, grass tracks etc- not my kinda terrain at all but would def do it again and next year we have managed to get two more sign ups!!!
having trouble with my words today- must be the ventolin i 'borrowed'! 'not' not 'now' 100%!!!!!
Do u reckon we can get Jenna and Pete to sign up to Fetch too or is that pushing our luck a little
pushing our luck i think!!!!
Jenna has been round today , she is def up for running next year !
......I told her she will have to strap those puppies down