Miles 6.49
Min/mi 8:02
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Sometimes people forget to stop their GPS before driving home. If you think something like that has happened here, you can ask for this training entry to be reviewed. If the review agrees, the user will be notified and the training entry will be quarantined until sorted. Your report is anonymous.
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First ever everer proper race n thanx to Andy and me friends for all there great support and help I can say... I finished it this year wiv me knee intact n am smile on me face!- I totally loved it :-D
No probs, you done well in that heat for your 1st race as as a Thorney runner, you will only get quicker & you won't av a poorly knee for long then you will fly faster + 10 out 10 for the a**e breathing
Well done, you ran well you should be really proud.....
Fantastic billie! You waited a whole year for this and have shown great determination, and well done also 4 comin down the finish wiv a big smile!! ( - ;
Well done Billie, can I borrow one of your bandages to put around me stomach?...
Oh Wow ! You guys make me feel even happier- I am so lucky to have such wonderful mates - thank you sooooo much
Your mates at Thorney will always support you thro thick n thin! That Thorney vest is the best!!