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Sun 24th Oct 2010 at 9:00am by Running Caz

Run > General

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Notes & Comments

Birmingham half marathon - a bloomin shambles at the strt and finish. The first time I have EVER had to queue to actually cross a finish line and the timing chip mat. We came to a stand still before the gantry and it took a good minute to actually cross the line!!! However, it wasn't about time for me as I have done no training for a couple of months and was just pleased to get round. Had Charlie's number at the last min and just decided to give it a go. Really enjoyed the run from start to finish, perfect weather, great atmosphere although a little crammed and frustrating at times. Lots of stop start in the first half as the course kept bottlenecking but free flowing in the second half pretty much. Right leg started to hur properly at 7 miles and by 10 miles I was struggling as I had pins and needles in foot too and knee felt swollen with less movement. I stopped a few times from at around 11 miles and did a bit of walking to try and stretch it out. Had a cracking mle running to the finish as I'd looked at my watch and realised it was damn close to a sub 2 but was too late really. Very pleased with how this went but also very concerned about my right leg :-/
9:36, 9:11, 9:13, 9:11, 8:58, 8:32, 8:41, 8:36, 9:12, 9:24, (stopped loads to stretch right leg) 10:45, 7:41, 8:03
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