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Tue 11th May 2010 at 7:00pm by Running Caz

Run > Race

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Notes & Comments

Kingsbury Classic (sposed to be 10k but is really 6M). Actually enjoyed this :-) Had decided just to have a nice run as tere were 5 V35's on the pre-entry list and soooo many people actually just entered on the night. In the past I have placed 4th, 5th and 6th and never managed to scoop anything so I wrote the trophie factor off. However, once I set off I felt 'in the mood' enough to put in some effort and try and have a goodish run. Felt quite strong on the little muddy undulations aswell so decided to hold my starting pace and passed 2 women. I had passed a couple at the very start 2 and by 3/4 of the way through 2 more, one in particular was in my sights. I was then told I was 5th woman passing a marshall and decided to pick off the lady infront of me in that last mile as she seemed to be slowing. I gained on her well and decided that I would hang behind her until the bridge and then sprint past around the turn to the finish (I know the course well). Ended up though that I could hear footsteps behind me gaining on me and turned to see a WOMAN right on my heels. No time to waste, the sprint finish had to start way early and I pelted it to the finish line passing the lady in front of me and staying ahead of the lady behind me :-) Finished 4th female and was first FV35 .... YIPPEEEEE!!
8:16, 8:23, 8:14, 8:12, 8:17, 8:03
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