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Fri 26th Oct 2007 at 12:00pm by Night-owl

Run > General

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Notes & Comments

Well as i've not done any formal speedwork for a little while building up my miles with the exception of a weekly fartlek session i wasn't sure how much this will cost me in terms of speed (guffaws of laughter) so... last night i had a little look last night at my avg HR (and max HR) for all the serpies i had done since May. Didn't wear HRM in April

Month avgHR MaxHR


so i had a thought about trying to at least average 164-168 but obviously try and push it a bit more if i could. So lined up closer to the front than normal. Did my trademark start too fast but thats ok. Some woman in the 1st km tried overtaking me she was carrying a handbag (probably didn't want to leave it anywhere quite understand that) but soon overtook her again Though i obviously slowed a bit but coming up to the 2nd bridge (is that just before or after 4km) i passed a man feeling strong, he then passed me so trailed him a bit then overtook him again. Going up the incline before turning into the home straight some nice marshall encouraged me pointing to the runner in front, you can catch her shes struggling see JJ near finish he cheers me on, lengthen your stride, thats all i remember feeling the sick as you do reach the line

finish by my watch 26:03 only 11 seconds slower than August so i'm ok with that

5;00 - 157hr

5:10 - 168
5:24 - 170
5:18 - 171
5:09 - 171

overall 167hr avg (83WHR) maxed at 184 (95WHR)

Bespoke Fields

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