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Tue 15th May 2007 at 7:00pm by SJS

Run > Race

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Notes & Comments

Les Allcorn 10k. Started off reasonably quick, then just in position until halfway. The first half was not so good. It was uphill, difficult track with stones and puddles in places, and I just didn't feel warmed up. Was overtaken by Jane and Dave Ford maybe in the second k, and after running alongside with Bob for a bit, he pulled away from me. There was quite a gap between me and Bob, and I could see Jane in the distance. Once up the hill (on tarmac now), I picked it up on the downhill (I seem to be quick on downhills) and gained a bit of ground on them. This seemed to get me warmed up as by halfway I felt a lot more full of energy. Halfway mark: 23.54. I think it was after halfway that Steph Bingham caught up with us; I picked up the pace! I kept her just behind me and started overtaking others, including Bob. Lost Steph at about 8k; later found out her calf muscle went (she's been having problems with it). Felt great, kept picking people off until the end. Ran a negative split as 2nd half would be 22.48. Didnt' quite catch Jane though (I finished about 45 secs behind her at Brampton to Carlisle). Overall a better performance, as although Blyth was 57 secs faster, this wasn't a flat course. But I do seem to thrive on having some downhill. Bodes well for Edinburgh!
4.25 5.15 5.11 4.32 4.30 4.35 4.33 4.47 4.30 4.20

Bespoke Fields

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