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Fri 17th Jan 2025 at 4:09pm by simonkissam

Run > General

  • Time
  • Miles
  • Min/mi
  • Pacing
  • WAVA
  • Stride(cm)
  • Cals
  • Cadence
  • Asc(m)
  • Hillscore
  • Surface

Notes & Comments

1) 1mi - 7:52(7:52/mi) 150cal 7.62/8.75mph
2) 1mi - 7:10(7:10/mi) 153cal 8.37/9.73mph
3) 1mi - 6:45(6:45/mi) 152cal 8.89/9.54mph
4) 1mi - 6:15(6:15/mi) 148cal 9.59/10.23mph
5) 1mi - 6:13(6:13/mi) 151cal 9.65/11.69mph
6) 1mi - 5:50(5:50/mi) 142cal 10.28/11.54mph
7) 0.5mi - 3:35(7:12/mi) 74cal 8.33/10.69mph

On my grind run. Wanted to grind bc am antsy to begin building fitness and also I want to run hard. Started run though and legs did not feel too hot, probably partly bc was slightly underdressed bc weather was warmer but not warm enough for what I was wearing, and psoas wasn't feeling 100%. So was a little bummed about that, but then like 1.75 miles in started to feel better and roll a little, and by the start of mile 4 I was having a good time. Stopped at the top of ssb towards end of mile 5 and chatted with will newman for a bit, and then grinded to get that 5:50 mile uphill on spruce street, which felt good and glad to see I perhaps have some fitness? Then jogged in last half mile. Good stuff. Psoas honestly felt a little better at faster speeds. Definitely think actual speed would be bad for it, but maybe more efficient/smooth running form is good for it, idk. Anyway, glad this worked out and felt really nice, really good to run kinda hard. 22 miles on the week & hopefully 8 more tomorrow!
7:52 7:10 6:45 6:15 6:13 5:50 3:35


  • Pace
  • Elev
  • Cadence
  • Stride
Multi Graph Loading...
mi ( to ) | /mi | bpm | spm


Miles Miles Time Time Split Split Min/mi /mi Cadence rpm Cad. Ascent mtrs Asc.
0.25 2:05 2:05 8:19 175 122-184 3/13
0.50 4:06 2:01 8:04 174 170-178 8/8
0.75 5:57 1:51 7:24 171 168-174 8/3
1.00 7:53 1:56 7:44 170 154-174 4/3
1.25 9:44 1:52 7:28 169 160-174 7/2
1.50 11:34 1:50 7:19 170 166-172 3/4
1.75 13:21 1:47 7:08 169 162-174 5/3
2.00 15:10 1:49 +8 7:15 171 162-182 3/5
2.25 16:51 1:41 6:43 170 164-174 1/12
2.50 19:51 3:00 +1:17 11:59 173 166-180 3/7
2.75 21:37 1:47 7:06 174 168-178 8/10
3.00 23:12 1:35 6:20 173 170-176 5/10
3.25 24:49 1:37 6:29 174 170-180 2/10
3.50 26:17 1:27 5:50 172 170-174 7/7
3.75 27:53 1:36 6:24 173 170-176 4/5
4.00 29:27 1:34 6:18 173 172-176 8/6
4.25 31:03 1:35 6:20 173 172-178 5/5
4.50 32:33 1:31 6:04 173 172-176 8/8
4.75 34:03 1:30 5:58 173 172-176 7/7
5.00 37:30 3:27 +1:50 13:47 173 118-182 11/4
5.25 39:02 1:33 6:10 175 164-184 12/9
5.50 40:43 1:41 +12 6:43 176 118-186 11/7
5.75 42:28 1:45 +18 6:59 176 164-180 15/6
6.00 43:51 1:23 5:33 179 172-184 12/13
6.25 45:44 1:53 +11 7:33 170 162-180 1/12
6.50 47:37 1:53 7:36 165 158-168 16/1

Further Analysis

  • Pace Distribution

    Edit colour bands
  • Climb Gradient Min/mi
    19 1.9% 6:32
    14 3.6% 7:36
    12 4.7% 17:59
  • Cadence Distribution

    172 avge / 186 max Stride Length: 139cm
  • Run/Walk Breakdown

    % Cad Mi Time Min/mi
    Run 92.0 172 6.5 43:30 7:19
    Walk 0.3 119 0 10 10:23
    Still 0.0 - - 1 -
    Pause 7.6 - - 3:56 -
  • Benchmarks

    Distance Time Mins/mi WAVA Fastest
    400m 1:19 5:17 54.86% More
    800m 2:57 5:56 57.19% More
    1km 3:44 6:01 58.95% More
    Mile 6:08 6:08 61.67% More
    5k 21:15 6:50 60.46% More
    5 miles 35:58 7:12 58.58% More
    10k 45:17 7:17 58.30% More
  • Predictions

    Dist Time Per Mile WAVA
    1M 6:00 6:00 63.06
    5km 19:59 6:26 64.30
    5M 33:05 6:37 63.68
    10km 41:39 6:42 63.39
    10M 1:08:58 6:54 63.44
    Half 1:31:49 7:01 62.65
    20M 2:23:47 7:11 63.40
    Mara 3:11:26 7:18 63.50
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