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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Wellingborough Multi-Terrain 10k Round 3

Entrants (1)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
ktrose1981 A lovely bright and sunny morning for a run.  A little bit of mud on the course but nowhere near as bad as it has been in previous years and the muddiest it has been this year.  It seemed to be the biggest turnout for the series this year today.  It was also my first time of running the third race in the series and my first year of completing all three races.  I also ran in my new trail shoes for the first time!  The run was tough, my bad throat and cough seem to have moved onto my chest and breathing was hard.  I really wished I'd just entered the 5k, the second lap was really hard, I considered walking a couple of times because I just couldn't get enough air into my lungs.  I felt like I didn't have any energy in my legs and just felt like I was running so slowly.  Between miles four and five I also started to feel like I was going to pass out and considered stopping and walking back to the finish.  I got a headache as I was running on the second lap, and it was not a very enjoyable lap but I tried to slow down and focus on the scenery in the sunshine.  I was very glad to finish and Gary took some great photos.  The trail shoes were ok, I didn't have to worry so much about my footing as the grip was so much better than my road trainers.  I put my insoles from my road trainers in the trail shoes so I had some support although I did have a bit of pain in my hips when I was running but this may have been due to not being used to the shoes and covering a range of different surfaces in them.  I ended up averaging 9.24 minute miles which wasn't too bad considering how I was feeling.  539 calories burnt.  The distance on my garmin was only 5.93 miles.
Redway Runners, Milton Keynes Lakeside Runners
49:38 53:57 55:44 51.72

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