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Tough Guy Nettle Warrior

Entrants (6)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Puffing Bertie ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz!
1:30:57 1:30:57 4:00:00 20.75
RG Postie (RGP) Myself,Mrs.RGP and Puffing Bertie arrived in good time having spent the night in Walsall,It was good to briefly meet Forest Faerie before the start and got herded off to our pens,I knew this would be tough the moment I took all the skin off my @rse on the first slope,the out run was plesant enough although the slalom was hard on the quads,then came the killing fields,I was near the top of the Tiger when someone fell off from the top and smacked his head on the way down,vibrating the whole frame,each obstacle got progressively harder,I particularly disliked the Vietcong Tunnels,by the end of the first lap I'd lost my number,my feet and legs felt like lead,and it was a struggle to lift my arms,by the end of the second lap I was totally knackered,it was definately enjoyable and had it's moments,Puffing Bertie thought it was fun to throw dead fish at me while we approached the Water Tunnels,all the water was filthy and disgusting and alot of the mud had a distinct sh**ty smell to it,but hey it was fun ! !
Would I do it again ? My mind is saying yeah,because I really enjoyed it ! But right now my body is screaming NO ! ! !
Reading Roadrunners
1:21:10 4:00:00 18.24
Forest Faerie Oh dear.  What have I done????
Thetford AC
1:20:59 1:22:39 3:24:09 24.06
Mr G - #thatrunguy 18/2548
Team Green, Tividale Trotters
1:02:48 1:08:08 1:52:16 40.30
Stourbridge RC, Black Country Triathletes
1:01:18 1:08:18 2:59:33 24.09
Wallsend Harriers AC
5:30:00 4:50:00 14.91

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