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Ian Williams aka Fetch
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Thames Turbo Triathlon

Listed by Hollywoof!
Entrants (1)
Pred Swim Pred Bike Pred Run Swim T1 Bike T2 Run Total
Hollywoof! 5:30 am - alarm goes off - time to get up and go - so early for a bank holiday - even though I live less than 2 miles from the start.
*Lots of thumb twiddling and toilet queuing*
8:30 am - the race starts...

Swim - Start strong, take a risk on the first turn and go for the complicated but fast option of tumble turning under the ropes - to my relief it works perfectly. Then I catch the bloke in front (15 seconds up) and he doesn't let me past at the next turn so I have to battle past him instead (ggggrrrr). Over the next 8 lengths catch and pass a further 4 peeps - so allegedly I'm 1:15 up by end of swim.
Swim split - 426m - 6:55 - just under target pace - the others were just going slow... or maybe the sight of me in lycra put them off?
Transition 1 - 1:54 - get a nice sit down to put my shoes and socks on (the elites could learn from me...) - get some bad stares from some of the peeps who I've just swum over (sorry, but you should have let me past!)
Cycle - try to start fast - down to Hampton Court - see a funny traffic queue with several irate cyclists behind it... the cars have stopped to let some ducks cross the road... head down to Sunbury - lucky at the first lights - half-lucky at the temporary lights - they do a comedy routine of changing to red for 2 seconds, waiting for me to stop, then immediately changing back to green. Just past Shepperton roundabout spot Puffin Bertie come out to add some support - thx. Then find myself behind a milk float with cars coming the other way - wastes a few seconds... Then turnaround at the next roundabout and find the way home much faster - something to do with the wind?
Cycle split - 21km - 39:58 - get a lift on the last 3 minutes of the cycle as I do my utmost to catch and overtake a speedy looking cyclist... Overall though I think I maybe overtake 5 cyclists and get overtaken by 7? Average speed 20.3 mph - not fast, not slow?
Non compete zone - 6:18 - I've got seven minutes
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1:12:17 1:12:17

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