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TeamBath Mile Time Trial

Listed by Blister
Entrants (2)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Blister I was still feeling the effects of what I think is the beginning of a cold but gave it my best shot. The conditions weren't ideal, the ground was wet there was a wind and the air was really cold making breathing uncomfortable. I stuck with LukeStur the whole way around, I was going to try and take over the pacing after 800m but couldn't get my legs going. I'm pleased with the new PB but would have liked to have gone under 5:05, but still I'm slowly getting closer to that magic sub 5.
TeamBath AC, Somer AC, Walton AC
4:45 5:06 5:06 75.82
LukeStur Urgh! That was tough - felt pretty rough all week so wasn't really up for this, but gave it a go.
Went off slighty quick and paid for it on the 3rd lap
Splits 1:15 (lap + 9m); 1:15; 1:20; 1:16.
Not a great night for it - cold, wet and windy!
Blister gave a good spurt at the end after hanging on my shoulder for the whole race, but I stuck with him and we finished together.
Membership of the sub-5min club will have to wait ;-)
TeamBath AC
5:06 5:06 5:05 5:06 76.54

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