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South Ayrshire Autistic Society 10k Fun Run/Walk

Wed August 6 2008
Listed by Sunbed Athlete
Entrants (1)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Sunbed Athlete Torrential rain for the race.Led from start to finish with Tone just behind me.Uncle Boabee no that far away either.Good flat course but could have done with a wee bit more signs/stewards etc etc.Its only been the 2nd year with this the 1st year real runners have turned up so theres scope for next year.Got an excellent amount of money towards the charity.At the end of the day thats what it was all for was the charity.The organisers were very happy with the 60+ turn-out.
I took 1st place with Tone taking 1st Lady.Wasnt exactly 10k so dinny ken what actual distance i did run so apologies for that.
Cambuslang Harriers, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
31:29 32:22 32:25 82.92

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