Rye Summer Classic Series

Listed by Shin-Twigs
Entrants (2)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Hastings AC, Hastings Runners
18:24 18:24 18:24 74.64
24hr Ryan Ran with Jamie through the 1st K then Sam joined us breifly and pushed the pace of our little lack. I was able keep up and was genuinely gutted to leave Jamie behind. Sam had bitten off more than she could chew and dropped back just after 2K. I battled with the idea of a sub-20 but running without team support meant I didn't have the confidence to push the pace again. with an almighty kick at the end I made considerable ground on the runner in front of me and when someone shouted to him 'look out' he begin to kick aswell. I was in absolute full sprint and took his place away from him by the smallest of margins. I vomited and felt relieved I didn't go for the sub-20 as 20:24, as indicated by the vomiting, seemed to be the very limit of what my body could handle. Very happy effort wise as I clearly gave it my all. Not happy time wise as 'could be faster' lingers in the back of my mind as always.
20:19 20:24 20:29 20:24 62.99

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