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Preston Interclub (3/6)

Listed by CottamRunner
Entrants (4)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
CottamRunner Preston inter club, ran it well in perfect conditions. Made up places steadily, ending 29th ... just pipping team mate Tom on the line. Si 15-20 secs ahead though!

Splits: 3.52 / 3.54 / 3.54 / 3.52 / 3.50 (5k 19.22) / 3.52 / 3.50 / 2.53 = 29.57
Northern Veterans AC, Red Rose RRC
29:57 29:57 30:30 29:57 70.39
run-bean Not bad run as no real training and post Edinburgh marathon! 2 secs slower than 2010!
Accrington Road Runners, Preston Harriers
47:56 47:56 47:56 51.45
Trackster 4th
Northern Veterans AC, Preston Harriers
25:24 26:09 26:09 81.72
Secret Rocky Runners
1:01:53 1:01:53 45:00 41:54 50.03

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